วันศุกร์ที่ 12 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2552

First place where want to tour

First place where want to tour is the South Korea , everybody will may puzzling that .A Thai arrives at to don't want to tour at Thai the answer is me is kind person that crazies about Coval the Korea takes very much then beg for to tour at the Korea before s What nuisance! take to keep the article next softly s tour at Thailand , the place in the Korea have very plentiful but beg for exemplify particular want to tour then really please. Chejudo Island , be number one in 9 both of provinces of the Korea is in South way of the country , Chejudo Island , in Korea language is regarded as are three island , that is to say , stone , wind , and a woman , be that know generally that , be dream island are beautiful island and still are big island most , of the Korea as well important symbol of , Chejudo Island at see prevent until accustomed to the molded figure or , stone grandfather sculpture Harubung , which call prevent Korea language that Tolharubung , formerly like to stand stone picture , Harubung keep straight village entrance for is the defender heals to protect villagers get free from from the disease dangerous and the ghost but , now a person , Chejudo Island do stone sculpture laughs a hole blocks to keep sell type tourist , that see prevent Chejudo Island there is the air that is cool , there is beautiful coast , there is natural beautiful scenery , be mainly of a volcano Hunlasan , which be a volcano has where to switch off then is in middle an island has the height arrives at 1950 the meter , because , the beauty and the romantic of an island have four the season and warm comfortable temperature air on the average 15 a degree through all year , in temperature summer on the average is 22-26 but , sometimes there is the typhoon that can build the damage a degree then make , Chejudo Island be the shelter pays by instalments and honeymoon for the Korean , the bride and groom has just to marry and a tourist like to tour this island greatly , the travel goes to , Chejudo Island , can travel with a boat , by will have the harbour that a city , Poosan Vandoo InChon YoSo and Mokpoo or travel by an airplane from SEOUL , take time about 1 hour.

The place later Myeongdong that this be famous that , be fashion first- class centre of the Korea , and a place likes of Korea teen-age , here have both of the department store which , be in both of underground and on the earth includes a store where are famous , and style pushcart store where carry to take a lot of teen-age goods s will come to sell in cheap neither are , the clothes is readymade , shoes , decorations utensil and the cosmetic that desire of extremely buy extremely dress all moreover , , area rear alley has will the coffee stall and the food shop.

Numdamon market be ancient market of the Korea has to come to since , the time is thin worm to is in near city south gate stays near , with the door Numdamon that ancient of Seoul , walk not ? minute arrive at the market , Numdamon market be the market sells wholesale outdoor nowadays this market , still the mall between the urban area , and the rural area which , be city ancient gate most natives market again one still opens to serve midnight give , person have no the time has between day come to choose shop for , this market stays near the city and big hotel , and be that sell , goods that is famous of the Korea Numdamon market , be the mall sends and we will have can to seek goods the every kind that want , such as clothes , various shoes are like the utensil is indoor , food , flower , tool , wig , glassware , utensil , decorations , gift is sport , bag , construction materials , electric appliances , furniture , etc. Numdamon market The this be famous long ago in the be market outdoor but , its state wased changingto , with bing junction goods modern buying this market will close Sunday .

The detail adds about residence travel hotel.



